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Jennifer Scheuerell
Jul 21, 20212 min read
Just say no to jargon
I imagine every data professional has, in the process of needing to name things, created new jargon.

Craig Anderson
Jul 7, 20216 min read
Testing your full Heroku stack (or: how to move fast without breaking things)
Read how My Data Chameleon tests its entire stack using Heroku, GitHub Actions and Cypress.

Jennifer Scheuerell
Jun 23, 20213 min read
Cost effectiveness and the data we can and can't see
Unless you dig into the cost effectiveness tool database to learn for yourself how the calculation works, it is difficult to understand

Steve Katz
Jun 8, 20215 min read
An experiment in why it's hard to get humans out of the loop of data interoperability
The experiment is to get Google Translate to play a game of telephone with itself.

Jennifer Scheuerell
May 5, 20216 min read
Diving into the interesting world of energy efficiency data
Generally speaking, people consume more energy each year than the year before. New technologies emerge that we adopt and add to our lives.
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